Wednesday, 25 October 2017


Some of us hard a childhood we wished to never grow up from, why some of us have the kind that forced us to grow too quickly.

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Catholic Archbishop Says Domestic Violence is “Caused by Women Not Obeying Men”

Braulio Rodriguez told his congregation in Toledo, Spain, that wives could also escape being physically abused by not asking their husbands for a divorce

The 36 Questions That Lead to Love

In Mandy Len Catron’s Modern Love essay, “To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This,” she refers to a study by the psychologist Arthur Aron (and others) that explores whether intimacy between two strangers can be accelerated by having them ask each other a specific series of personal questions.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Be in charge of your Sex Life(watch video)

I think we have the best sexual experiences when we own our sexual power—knowing what we want and how to ask for it. Sexual agency is the ability to make sexual choices of your own free will, to have the kind of sex you want with a partner of your choosing.

Slut,Spinster and the Good wife:The Social Label to shame women(watch video)

Women are continuously labelled and put down by society. Here, the concept of gender demonstrates how women are judged by their appearances by other males and females. In order to break free of this gender discrimination, so that women may feel comfortable in their own skin, women must love who they are and know that they are beautiful. Essentially, society's labels are to be ignored as women's body dissatisfaction are created by society's false opinions.

Female sexual shame hurts

"Unquestioned cultural teachings that female sexuality needs to be controlled through shame" (Jennifer Gunsaullus)

Masturbation Myths (The Truth Unveiled)

Masturbation still gets a bad rap in society, probably because it is a private sexual behavior rarely shared or discussed in public — even with the closest of friends.

10 Expressions of Women (That You Didn't Know About)

Researchers in Germany recently concluded that men suck at reading women's emotions. Prove 'em wrong. Here is what these faces are saying.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

13 Reasons Why Men Cheat

I can tell you that men who cheat on a beloved wife or girlfriend can be amazingly creative when they try to explain why. Sometimes cheating men tell me, and the women they love, that their behavior doesn’t really count as cheating, because it didn’t involve actual sex. Other times, they find ways to blame others for their choices – their spouse, their boss, even the other woman. Number 8 reason will wow you!

I find most of the reasons that cheating men use to justify their infidelity fascinating — because almost all of these reasons imply that cheating was the only logical solution to their relationship issues and other life problems. I often find myself thinking, “Sure, cheating is an option, but only one among many. How about taking up a hobby, or volunteering to make the world a better place, or actually talking to your significant other about what you’re feeling and how the two of you might be able to craft a more fulfilling relationship? Wouldn’t any of those choices be better that lying, manipulating, and keeping important secrets from a woman you truly care about?” 
But most men don’t have that type of insight. So when confronted, they minimize, rationalize, and justify their behavior with statements like:
  • Every guy wants to have sex with other women. And when the opportunity arises, he takes it. 
  • It’s a man’s biological imperative to have sex with as many women as he can. Why should I be any different? 
  • If I got enough (or better) sex at home, I wouldn’t need to cheat. 
  • I’m not doing anything that most of my buddies don’t do. If you don’t believe me, ask them. 
  • If my wife hadn’t gained so much weight — or if she was nicer to me, or more attentive — I wouldn’t have even thought about going elsewhere. 
  • If my job wasn’t so stressful, I wouldn’t need the release I get from online sex. 
  • Cheating? Really? I mean, who would rationally call getting a lap dance in a strip club infidelity? It’s just what guys do for fun. 
  • My dad looked at magazines and went to strip clubs, and that wasn’t a big deal. Well, I have webcam chats and interactive sex. What’s the difference? 
  • If the police had been out chasing actual bad guys, I wouldn’t have gotten caught in that prostitution sting. Why don’t they go after some real criminals?
  • I’m only sexting and flirting. Where’s the harm in that? I don’t meet up with any of these women in person. It’s just a game. 
  1. Immaturity: If he does not have a lot of experience in committed relationships, or if he doesn’t fully understand that his actions will inevitably have consequences like hurting his partner, he may think it is fine to have sexual adventures. He might think of his commitment to monogamy as a jacket that he can put on or take off as he pleases, depending on the circumstances. 
  2. Co-occurring Issues: He may have an ongoing problem with alcohol and/or drugsthat affects his decision-making, resulting in regrettable sexual decisions. Or maybe he has a problem like sexual addiction, meaning he compulsively engages in sexual fantasies and behaviors as a way to numb out and avoid life. 
  1. Insecurity: He may feel as if he is too old (or too young), not handsome enough, not rich enough, not smart enough, etc. (An astonishing amount of male cheating is linked, at least in part, to a mid-life crisis.) To bolster his flagging ego, he seeks validation from women other than his mate, using this sextracurricular spark of interest to feel wanted, desired, and worthy. 
  1. It’s Over, Version 1: He may want to end his current relationship. However, instead of just telling his partner that he’s unhappy and wants to break things off, he cheats — and then forces her to do the dirty work. 
  1. It’s Over, Version 2: He may want to end his current relationship, but not until he’s got another one lined up. So he sets the stage for his next relationship while still in the first one. 
  1. Lack of Male Social Support: He may have undervalued his need for supportive friendships with other men, expecting his social and emotional needs to be met entirely by his significant other. And when she inevitably fails in that duty, he seeks fulfillment elsewhere. 
  1. Confusion about Limerence versus Commitment: He might misunderstand the difference between romantic intensity and long-term love, mistaking the neurochemical rush of early romance, technically referred to as limerence, for love, and failing to understand that in healthy, long-term relationships limerence is replaced over time with less intense, but ultimately more meaningful forms of connection. 
  1. Childhood Abuse: He may be reenacting or latently responding to unresolved childhood trauma – neglect, emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, etc. In such cases, his childhood wounds have created attachment/intimacy issues that leave him unable or unwilling to fully commit to one person. He might also be using the excitement and distraction of sexual infidelity as a way to self-soothe the pain of these old, unhealed wounds.
  1. Selfishness: It’s possible that his primary consideration is for himself and himself alone. He can therefore lie and keep secrets without remorse or regret, as long as it gets him what he wants. It’s possible he never intended to be monogamous. Rather than seeing his vow of monogamy as a sacrifice made to and for his relationship, he views it as something to be avoided and worked around. 
  1. Terminal Uniqueness: He may feel like he is different and deserves something special that other men might not. The usual rules just don’t apply to him, so he is free to reward himself outside his primary relationship whenever he wants. 
  1. Unfettered Impulse: He may never have even thought about cheating until an opportunity suddenly presented itself. Then, without even thinking about what infidelity might do his relationship, he went for it. 
  1. Unrealistic Expectations: He may feel that his partner should meet his every whim and desire, sexual and otherwise, 24/7, regardless of how she feels at any particular moment. He fails to understand that she has a life of her own, with thoughts and feelings and needs that don’t always involve him. When his expectations are not met, he seeks external fulfillment.
  1. Anger/Revenge: He may cheat to get revenge. He is angry with his mate, and wants to hurt her. In such cases, the infidelity is meant to be seen and known. The man does not bother to lie or keep secrets about his cheating, because he wants his partner to know about it. 
Copyright @ Psychology Today

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Smelling Your Farts is Healthy

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Farting isn’t the most glamorous way to improve or assess our health, but it is indicative of a healthy, well-functioning digestive system and balanced level of gut bacteria.

Monday, 28 August 2017

Sex Addiction Symptoms, Causes and Effects

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  • What is Sex and Porn Addiction?
  • Signs, Symptoms, and Effects of Sex Addiction
  • Self-Assessment for Addiction to Sex
  • Causes of Sex Addiction  

Virginity Is A Religious/Social Construct

"Virginity is not a thing. Not really. It is a social construct meant to make people, especially women, feel badly about their sexuality and sexual experience. It is a way of policing other people’s bodies and passing judgment on how they use them. It is, at its very core, a way of controlling and subjugating women."

Friday, 12 May 2017

Monday, 27 February 2017


Whenever I see my husband, Dave, I usually greet him with a hug and a kiss.  To me, this seems quite normal, and I never thought anything about doing this in front of my children until our son, Cooper, had a playdate with a friend of his.  The kids were playing in the kitchen just as Dave came home from work. When he walked in the kitchen, he pulled me close, hugged me, and kissed me.  It was by no means a lingering, passionate embrace; but it was a warm and affectionate greeting where, yes, our lips locked.  Cooper’s friend loudly gasped and said “Eew, gross!” and looked at Cooper as if he should have the same reaction.  Coop just smiled and said, “What? They do that all the time.”   I thought the nine year-old boy was having what he thought was the “proper” response to adults kissing, but he had a hard time shaking the look of pure disgust off of his face.
 I think there are three BIG reasons to let your kiddos see you being affectionate with your spouse:

Moment of Truth with Olusegun Aderogba:Topic Sex, Marriage and Spirituality

 Image may contain: 2 people

Sunday, 12 February 2017

See how Phubbing” is ruining relationships

“Phubbing” is ruining relationships, according to a recent study.  It’s rampant, and it’s a behavior we’ve grown to accept as a society.  So, what is phubbing?
A friend of mine sent me an article on phubbing, and I read it only because I honestly had never heard the term before.  When I began reading it, I quickly realized that most of us are extremely familiar with the act of phubbing–we just didn’t know it had a name.
So what is it?

Sex and Intimacy Help…we have different sex drives!

A common issue for many couples that results in frustration and disharmony is missing the beat with your sex drive. One wants it more than the other creating a sense of rejection and loneliness every time a pass is batted away. Then you have the other person who wants it less and now feels like its a chore or marital duty.

Saturday, 11 February 2017


 Growing up in childhood abuse has lasting effects on a person long into adulthood and for some, for the rest of their lives. I never knew it was abuse until I was far away from it and no longer exposed to it. My entire life, up to the point of salvation, I always looked for immediate gratification to “take me away” to find happiness in the dark world in which I was living in.

8 Must Say Phrases To Your Spouse(its Magical)

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Our words have power and they can either hurt or heal.  While they can lift and build people up they can also tear them down reeking destruction.

The reality is, when it comes to what you say, people don’t forget, especially the person you’re married to. And some people will remind you of what you said long after the words fall from your lips. While words like NEVER, ALWAYS, and STUPID are not ok…ever, these phrases below will breathe life into your relationship the minute you say them.

Friday, 10 February 2017

TRUTH ABOUT AMBITOUS WOMAN: Why Men are Afraid of Them

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1. We Are Not Your Mothers

It is not our job to take care of grown men. Set your own appointments, keep an eye on your own credit rating, take care of your own health, and well-being. If we’re working on uplifting our own damn selves and turn around to find that we are also responsible for making sure you are on point — things won’t go far. Know that basic efforts get no applause. You will not be handed a cookie for doing what you should already be doing. We will not praise you for having a job, a car, an education, common decency.
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Why Are You Together?

“Did God put you together?” When I ask that question of a married couple, they almost always say yes. Then I ask “Why did He put you together?”
I get blank stares.
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The Moment of Truth with Evangelist Favour Amadi

Ladies and Gentlemen  I welcome you to tonight's episode
With a round of applause let's make welcome the guest for tonight Evangelist Favour Amadi

Thursday, 9 February 2017

5 Lessons from Positive People That Will Make You More Attractive

We all want to be admired, listened to, and respected. What is it that some people do that gets people to pay attention and follow their lead? Here are some things I’ve noticed that might be worth a try:

6 Reasons NOT to Marry a Man

Everyday I hear from wives reaching out for marital advice. Very often, they’ll write me online and tell me all the things their husband is doing wrong. For the most part, these are things he has ALWAYS been doing wrong (even back before they were married), but she thought she could change him (which never works out well). There are certain things a man does during the dating phase of the relationship that show either he’s not ready for marriage or he’s not worthy of marriage. 

Monday, 23 January 2017

The Moment of Truth with Engr. And Mrs Daniel Wanatoi

Mr Ayebaye Daniel Wanatoi and his beautiful wife Sally Inyie Ayebaye-Wanatoi will be sharing their Marital Experience with us tonight

We are excited to share our testimony and answer to your questions. We hope in the end, you will add value to you
I am Ayebaye Daniel Wanatoi, I am married to Mrs. Sally Inyie Ayebaye-Wanatoi (My PRECIOUS!) and we have a Son (Ayebakuro Chris Wanatoi). I am a graduate of Mech. Engrg. and I have a PGD in Public Administration. Most importantly, I am a CHRISTIAN with heaven in perfect sight