Mr Ayebaye Daniel Wanatoi and his beautiful wife Sally Inyie Ayebaye-Wanatoi will be sharing their Marital Experience with us tonight
We are excited to share our testimony and answer to your questions. We hope in the end, you will add value to you
I am Ayebaye Daniel Wanatoi, I am married to Mrs. Sally Inyie Ayebaye-Wanatoi (My PRECIOUS!) and we have a Son (Ayebakuro Chris Wanatoi). I am a graduate of Mech. Engrg. and I have a PGD in Public Administration. Most importantly, I am a CHRISTIAN with heaven in perfect sight
Q: Thank you for being explicit
Let's get down to business of tonight
How did you meet your wife Sally Inyie Ayebaye-Wanatoi ?
A: I met her at at Cfi Rsust in my Final year and I knew immediately she was the woman I want. This is indeed a troubling phenomena today but I knew because, the first day she came to my room with Pst. Boma-Jaja Philip-Obi, we had a connection that was divine. And we played chess, she won me, we played scrabble, I won her. A woman that can think is who I want and she got it in complete loads. After meeting her, I tried my hands for 4years (she no gree).
Hahahhah. I wasn't ready then na.
Q: So what is your advise to men who gives up after a month when the woman says no?
A: They should know what they want before even starting. If they do know what they want, they will ask the world to help and when it is genuine, friends and family will step in. Today, I appreciate Blessing Akpan, Pst. Boma-Jaja Philip-Obi and the likes because they believed in my sincerity and came all out for me
4 years, it was 2008 not 2007 (corrected by my very own PRECIOUS!) lol. When the original is there, immitations will only distract you but can not deter the vision. At some point, I gave up and called on God to help me 'cause I could not stand it again. And amazingly, God showed up and today, here we are. I even went as far as telling my Uncle that I have seen a woman and immediately he said 'NO' but when I told him about my Wife, he was excited. My family was so excited that I knew God was truly involved
Q: Did you court her before wedding or after she said yes go you, you wedded her the next day?
A: We courted for 2years. from Nov. , 2012
Q: Please during courtship
What were you guys doing?
A: We planned our future, we talked about the possibilities before us and how we can achieve them together. Each time we talked about our plans, we seem to say things in each others heart. We also planned the wedding a year ahead
He was and is still a nice person. I loved his simple nature and his generous heart. We talked on phone almost on a daily basis. We met at the park to play games, discuss heart issues, etc. Visited home at some point too
Q: How do you knw she is not in good mood and how do you handle her?
A: When my Wife is not happy with me [At least twice now I have seen that]. She will be quiet and not responding fundly to me. Immediately I apologise and try to make necessary adjustments. My offense has always been not calling when I should. But I have adjusted greatly I hope [she never vex sinceeeeeee]!(Lol. U dey try)
Q: During this time of planning and hanging outs
Where there traits you saw in Sally Inyie Ayebaye-Wanatoi that shook your conviction? something you think may not go well with you or the marriage
If yes, how did you handle it?
A: Seriously, I was prepared for anything she will throw at me and work it out with her. She was not really cool with doing laundries and I just prayed to God to help. As a matter of fact, she came back from service with laundry business [God is faithful]. I know how to wash, cook, etc and I was ready to allow her come to speed but within her service period, she fine-tuned. God is faithful. Today she does laundry as a business. The same thing she was so scared of
Q:Interesting, in other words, your are advising men to be ready for anything that may come from their perspectives???
A: Yes. The problem is. there is no perfect woman or man. As a matter of fact, 'WHAT DO YOU WANT?'. Today we lie to ourselves about what we want and end up in confused marriages. I wanted a woman that can represent my Christian faith, my IT interest, my Business interests, my family, that has family at heart, that is respectful and if she can not cook, she will be taught. If she has any challenge, we work it out together. My wife passed more than 80% of what I wanted and I had to go all out. My BELOVED in church will always thank God that I married my Wife and not another woman because it may have been confusing
Q: Sir, was sex a challenge during your days of courtship?
I ask this because I know both of you to an extent and your faith kicks against sex before marriage...
How did you handle the pressure
Ayebaye Daniel Wanatoi and Sally Inyie Ayebaye-Wa natoi please attend to this
A:Not at all. I had told God I don't want to be attracted sexually to my Wife before marriage because I want to focus on building her as she builds me and God gave me the strength. I never had a contemplation of sex any day(Daniel)
Personally, I wasn't pressured for sex. It didn't even come up. It was like we both knew it was a 'cake' better left for the close of service. Which it is(Sally)
Q: So, in other words both of your understood the portion of the scripture, Bed undefiled!
During your courtship did you eve discussed issue regarding sex?
Whether he was man enough or you can meet his libido etc?
A: Not at all. As a matter of fact, we were more of our future together and how we intend running our lives than considering our skin colour and the likes. It was so peaceful and productive courtship(Daniel)
I can't recall having that discussion. I just knew that Ayebaye Daniel Wanatoi was a complete package(Sally)
Sex is a deceit of the hormones in the bodies of people in relationship. If God is involved, you will control your body without stress. Invite God in and let Him carry you through. I am proud to say, I never asked my Wife for even kiss. Not because my organs were weak but I had prayed about it years back(Daniel)
Q: Sally Inyie Ayebaye-Wanatoi
Please can you give words of advise to our unmarried sisters as it regards conviction, and submission?
A: If you're still unsure about your man, you're still bothered about whether he's Mr.Right, you're still worried about the future with that man, then pls, don't go ahead till you have God's peace in you. That peace & understanding that everything has been 'okayed' by God will keep you long going even in challenging times. As for submission, when there is understanding and love, submission becomes part of you, not just a law to be obeyed.(SALLY)
If you call God into your relationship decisions and be sincere, He will step in! Try it (Daniel)
Don't see a man for his swag and styles, see him for his future. Same to guys when looking at the ladies. That a woman has a beautiful outlook is 5%, the real thing is in the content. That a guy is all swag is 5%, the content is the main thing. Go for the content and you'll have peace no matter what is thrown at you (Daniel)
Q: Have SEX ever been a thing of dispute in your relationship?
Have Sally or Daniel used sex as a weapon during misunderstanding?
If yes, how did you handle it!
Again, has anything changed in your relationship since your son arrived? Like shifted attention?
A: No way. Ah, even if I am tired and she wants it, I must explain to her satisfaction or give her. We don't use that as a weapon at all. No! Everything I have is hers and everything she has is mine! (Daniel)
Matter of fact, he has never told me that he's tired. And if I see that he's tired, I need not ask cos there's always 'midnight' or 'tomorrow'. It's fun (SALLY)
We bring it to a wrap.
Thank you for being my guest this night and fortunately my first guest in this Program.
I and my audience have learnt lots. And we pray your marriage to remain a light to younger generation.
Before we turn off the light
Please give your last word of advice to the house Ayebaye Daniel Wanatoi a d Sally Inyie Ayebaye-Wanatoi
One major success pill- God 1st, your spouse 2nd, every other 3rd. It always works this way.
Good night FAM. Thanks for having us Adaeze Oluchi Jacintha(Sally)
I always tell my Wife she is number two. God is NUMBER ONE always! (Daniel)
In John 4, the scriptures refer to God as LOVE [GOD IS LOVE], that makes the matter of love very personal for God (Jhn 3:16). When you say I LOVE YOU! You should know that you are actually telling the person how much of GOD you have for her/him, see in him/her, etc. It should not be taken lightly. When you let LOVE lead you, mistakes will be cleaned up by GOD Himself. Stop living your life at the dictates of society. If you are born again, you have the GOD of the UNIVERSE as your Father. Marriage is a serious venture, enter with His leading always. Don't be too modern before you enter the news for the wrong reasons. SEX is worth waiting for! God bless and keep you and yours(Daniel)
My dear Adaeze Oluchi Jacintha I, my Wife, your Boy [Kuro] remain grateful. And do know that we are here for you always. Much love.
Follow us live on Facebook for Next week episode Adaeze Oluchi Jacintha
Search us with #AdaHearts and #MomentofTruth for more details.
God Bless you

We are excited to share our testimony and answer to your questions. We hope in the end, you will add value to you
I am Ayebaye Daniel Wanatoi, I am married to Mrs. Sally Inyie Ayebaye-Wanatoi (My PRECIOUS!) and we have a Son (Ayebakuro Chris Wanatoi). I am a graduate of Mech. Engrg. and I have a PGD in Public Administration. Most importantly, I am a CHRISTIAN with heaven in perfect sight
Q: Thank you for being explicit
Let's get down to business of tonight
How did you meet your wife Sally Inyie Ayebaye-Wanatoi ?
A: I met her at at Cfi Rsust in my Final year and I knew immediately she was the woman I want. This is indeed a troubling phenomena today but I knew because, the first day she came to my room with Pst. Boma-Jaja Philip-Obi, we had a connection that was divine. And we played chess, she won me, we played scrabble, I won her. A woman that can think is who I want and she got it in complete loads. After meeting her, I tried my hands for 4years (she no gree).
Hahahhah. I wasn't ready then na.
Q: So what is your advise to men who gives up after a month when the woman says no?
A: They should know what they want before even starting. If they do know what they want, they will ask the world to help and when it is genuine, friends and family will step in. Today, I appreciate Blessing Akpan, Pst. Boma-Jaja Philip-Obi and the likes because they believed in my sincerity and came all out for me
4 years, it was 2008 not 2007 (corrected by my very own PRECIOUS!) lol. When the original is there, immitations will only distract you but can not deter the vision. At some point, I gave up and called on God to help me 'cause I could not stand it again. And amazingly, God showed up and today, here we are. I even went as far as telling my Uncle that I have seen a woman and immediately he said 'NO' but when I told him about my Wife, he was excited. My family was so excited that I knew God was truly involved
Q: Did you court her before wedding or after she said yes go you, you wedded her the next day?
A: We courted for 2years. from Nov. , 2012
Q: Please during courtship
What were you guys doing?
A: We planned our future, we talked about the possibilities before us and how we can achieve them together. Each time we talked about our plans, we seem to say things in each others heart. We also planned the wedding a year ahead
He was and is still a nice person. I loved his simple nature and his generous heart. We talked on phone almost on a daily basis. We met at the park to play games, discuss heart issues, etc. Visited home at some point too
Q: How do you knw she is not in good mood and how do you handle her?
A: When my Wife is not happy with me [At least twice now I have seen that]. She will be quiet and not responding fundly to me. Immediately I apologise and try to make necessary adjustments. My offense has always been not calling when I should. But I have adjusted greatly I hope [she never vex sinceeeeeee]!(Lol. U dey try)
Q: During this time of planning and hanging outs
Where there traits you saw in Sally Inyie Ayebaye-Wanatoi that shook your conviction? something you think may not go well with you or the marriage
If yes, how did you handle it?
A: Seriously, I was prepared for anything she will throw at me and work it out with her. She was not really cool with doing laundries and I just prayed to God to help. As a matter of fact, she came back from service with laundry business [God is faithful]. I know how to wash, cook, etc and I was ready to allow her come to speed but within her service period, she fine-tuned. God is faithful. Today she does laundry as a business. The same thing she was so scared of
Q:Interesting, in other words, your are advising men to be ready for anything that may come from their perspectives???
A: Yes. The problem is. there is no perfect woman or man. As a matter of fact, 'WHAT DO YOU WANT?'. Today we lie to ourselves about what we want and end up in confused marriages. I wanted a woman that can represent my Christian faith, my IT interest, my Business interests, my family, that has family at heart, that is respectful and if she can not cook, she will be taught. If she has any challenge, we work it out together. My wife passed more than 80% of what I wanted and I had to go all out. My BELOVED in church will always thank God that I married my Wife and not another woman because it may have been confusing
Q: Sir, was sex a challenge during your days of courtship?
I ask this because I know both of you to an extent and your faith kicks against sex before marriage...
How did you handle the pressure
Ayebaye Daniel Wanatoi and Sally Inyie Ayebaye-Wa natoi please attend to this
A:Not at all. I had told God I don't want to be attracted sexually to my Wife before marriage because I want to focus on building her as she builds me and God gave me the strength. I never had a contemplation of sex any day(Daniel)
Personally, I wasn't pressured for sex. It didn't even come up. It was like we both knew it was a 'cake' better left for the close of service. Which it is(Sally)
Q: So, in other words both of your understood the portion of the scripture, Bed undefiled!
During your courtship did you eve discussed issue regarding sex?
Whether he was man enough or you can meet his libido etc?
A: Not at all. As a matter of fact, we were more of our future together and how we intend running our lives than considering our skin colour and the likes. It was so peaceful and productive courtship(Daniel)
I can't recall having that discussion. I just knew that Ayebaye Daniel Wanatoi was a complete package(Sally)
Sex is a deceit of the hormones in the bodies of people in relationship. If God is involved, you will control your body without stress. Invite God in and let Him carry you through. I am proud to say, I never asked my Wife for even kiss. Not because my organs were weak but I had prayed about it years back(Daniel)
Q: Sally Inyie Ayebaye-Wanatoi
Please can you give words of advise to our unmarried sisters as it regards conviction, and submission?
A: If you're still unsure about your man, you're still bothered about whether he's Mr.Right, you're still worried about the future with that man, then pls, don't go ahead till you have God's peace in you. That peace & understanding that everything has been 'okayed' by God will keep you long going even in challenging times. As for submission, when there is understanding and love, submission becomes part of you, not just a law to be obeyed.(SALLY)
If you call God into your relationship decisions and be sincere, He will step in! Try it (Daniel)
Don't see a man for his swag and styles, see him for his future. Same to guys when looking at the ladies. That a woman has a beautiful outlook is 5%, the real thing is in the content. That a guy is all swag is 5%, the content is the main thing. Go for the content and you'll have peace no matter what is thrown at you (Daniel)
Q: Have SEX ever been a thing of dispute in your relationship?
Have Sally or Daniel used sex as a weapon during misunderstanding?
If yes, how did you handle it!
Again, has anything changed in your relationship since your son arrived? Like shifted attention?
A: No way. Ah, even if I am tired and she wants it, I must explain to her satisfaction or give her. We don't use that as a weapon at all. No! Everything I have is hers and everything she has is mine! (Daniel)
Matter of fact, he has never told me that he's tired. And if I see that he's tired, I need not ask cos there's always 'midnight' or 'tomorrow'. It's fun (SALLY)
We bring it to a wrap.
Thank you for being my guest this night and fortunately my first guest in this Program.
I and my audience have learnt lots. And we pray your marriage to remain a light to younger generation.
Before we turn off the light
Please give your last word of advice to the house Ayebaye Daniel Wanatoi a d Sally Inyie Ayebaye-Wanatoi
One major success pill- God 1st, your spouse 2nd, every other 3rd. It always works this way.
Good night FAM. Thanks for having us Adaeze Oluchi Jacintha(Sally)
I always tell my Wife she is number two. God is NUMBER ONE always! (Daniel)
In John 4, the scriptures refer to God as LOVE [GOD IS LOVE], that makes the matter of love very personal for God (Jhn 3:16). When you say I LOVE YOU! You should know that you are actually telling the person how much of GOD you have for her/him, see in him/her, etc. It should not be taken lightly. When you let LOVE lead you, mistakes will be cleaned up by GOD Himself. Stop living your life at the dictates of society. If you are born again, you have the GOD of the UNIVERSE as your Father. Marriage is a serious venture, enter with His leading always. Don't be too modern before you enter the news for the wrong reasons. SEX is worth waiting for! God bless and keep you and yours(Daniel)
My dear Adaeze Oluchi Jacintha I, my Wife, your Boy [Kuro] remain grateful. And do know that we are here for you always. Much love.
Follow us live on Facebook for Next week episode Adaeze Oluchi Jacintha
Search us with #AdaHearts and #MomentofTruth for more details.
God Bless you

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